Monday, October 7, 2019

Week 5 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Week 5 - Research Paper Example From the output shown above, we can assess the categorical variables. This indicates that how many people gave each response. No mean or standard deviation requirement is appropriate as it does not make any sense for categorical variables, such as sex, marital status etc. From the table we can note that there are total of â€Å"537† with sub groups ranging from ‘0’ to ‘6’ along with frequency, percent, valid percent and cumulative percent. Frequency table for all other variables â€Å"number of persons living in this household, gender (male, female), helper (professional, service support, blue collar, unemployed/ Retired, student, DTS), marital status (Single, married, DTS), number of years in school(1-19yrs), ethnic(Asian, Mexican, Caucasian, black, Hispanic) and income(15000- 50,000 and above)† are similar to the categorical variable of children. The first table illustrates the gender with 325 female respondents and 212 male respondents. While the types of the problem experienced by the gender includes 229 respondents for goal disruptive, 209 relational break, 86 illnesses and 13 catastrophic. Second output elaborates that mean of the helper as dependent variable. The independent variable will be gender (male and female) and the problem experienced. The typical research question of interest is: do males and females differ significantly in experiencing problems, which problem is more among male or females? And is the influence of two variables idiosyncratic i.e gender has one effect in a particular problem, but a different effect in the different problem. There is no significant main effect for the problem as the M= - 0.2738 for Goal Disruptive , M= 0.1729 for relational break, M= 0.2742 for illness and M= 0.2672 for catastrophic. F= 12.187 and p=0.0000, a lot less than

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