Thursday, October 10, 2019

Hospitalized Chronic Schizophrenia Patients Health And Social Care Essay

The present survey was designed to measure the consequence of gestalt therapy on self consciousness among patients with schizophrenic disorder. The research design is of import measure in research, as it is closely related to the overall model for carry oning survey. This chapter deals with the description of the research attack, design, puting, population, standards for sample choice, sample and sampling technique, development and description of tool, process for informations aggregation and program for informations analysis.3.1. RESEARCH APPROACHThe research worker has adopted quantitative research attack in this survey to analyse the impact of Gestalt therapy on self consciousness among patients with schizophrenic disorder. This attack is a systematic procedure that involves the measuring of the input, procedure and the end product.3.2. RESEARCH DESIGNThe research design adopted in the present survey was Quasi experimental pre trial and station trial with control group design. Sel f consciousness was assessed among the patients with schizophrenic disorder before and after Gestalt therapy. Gestalt therapy was administered as an intercession to heighten the ego consciousness of the patients with schizophrenic disorder.FIG 2. SCHEMATIC REPRESENTATION OF RESEARCH DESIGNQuantitative ApproachQuasi experimental pre trial and station trial with control group designTarget Population – Patients with schizophrenic disorderAccessible Population – Patients with schizophrenia hospitalized at krishna nursing placeSample size 16Tool: Situational Self consciousness graduated tableExperimental group ( N=8 )Hospitalized chronic Schizophrenia patientsControl group ( N=8 )Hospitalized chronic Schizophrenia patientsReceiving Routine nursing attention and Gestalt therapyReceiving Routine nursing attention merelyAppraisal of ego consciousness after intercessionDatas analysisFindingssReport/ thesis3.3. SettingThe survey was conducted in Krishna Nursing place, Coimbatore . It is a 28 bedded nursing place and de-addiction Centre.3.4. PopulationThe mark population for the present survey was patients with chronic schizophrenic disorder. The accessible population for the present survey was patients with schizophrenia hospitalized at Krishna nursing place.3.5. CRITERIA FOR SAMPLE SELECTIONThe samples were taken based on the undermentioned standards. Inclusion standards: Hospitalized patients with chronic Schizophrenia. Schizophrenic patients under the age group of 20-55. Schizophrenic patients with low ego consciousness Schizophrenic Patients who are willing to take part in the survey. Exclusion standards: Schizophrenia with any other physical or mental unwellness. Schizophrenic patients in acute stage. Schizophrenic patients with negative symptoms.3.6. SamplingPurposive sampling technique was used for sample choice. During the informations aggregation period 16 patients were admitted in Krishna Nursing Home. A sample of 16 patients with schizophrenic disorder were recruited in the survey.3.7. VARIABLES OF THE STUDYDemographic VariablesAge, Gender, Education, Marital position, Occupation, Monthly income, Place of abode, Family History of mental unwellness and Duration of mental unwellnessMugwumpVariableGestalt therapyDependant VariableDegree of Self consciousness3.8. MaterialThe tool consist of 3 subdivisions Section 1 Demographic Variables Section2 Situational ego consciousness graduated table ( Govern & A ; Marsh, 2001 ) Section3 Gestalt Therapy3.8.1. Section 1Demographic Variables: This is a self-administered tool which consist of personal information of the patients like age, gender, instruction, matrimonial position, occupational position, monthly household income, topographic point of abode, type of household, household history of mental unwellness and continuance of mental unwellness.3.8.2. Section 2Situational Self Awareness Scale ( Govern and Marsh 2001 ) : Govern and Marsh was developed in 2001 to quantify degrees of Public and Private Self consciousness. It consists of 9 statements related to overall feelings of Self consciousness. The points were answered on a 5-point likert graduated table denoting merely positive worded statements runing from strongly differ to strongly hold. Components 1, 5, 9 denotes Surrounding factor. Components 2, 6, 8 denotes Private factor. Components 3, 4, 7 denotes Public factor. The Mark ranges from 9-45 in order to construe the degree of ego consciousness. Reliability & A ; Validity: The dependability of the tool is measured utilizing the exploratory and collateral factor analysis and other statistical methods yielded consequences reveals correlation coefficient 0.7 bespeaking first-class stableness. The internal consistence of the three subscales is good ( Cronbach ‘s alpha = 0.82 for public factor, 0.72 for private factor and 0.72 for environing factor ) while the test-retest correlativity is 0.78 for public factor and 0.58 for private factor.A The tool has equal content cogency and concepts cogency. Administration: Initially the research worker maintained good resonance with the patients. The research worker obtained informed consent to affect the patients in the survey. The Situational ego consciousness graduated table was administered to the schizophrenic patients separately. This is a ego describing graduated table in which the participants were asked to click the options in each point as they feel. Scoring This graduated table is standardized, which consists of 5 likert type inquiries that measure the Self consciousness of patients with schizophrenic disorder. The responses of the 9 points are ranged from ( Strongly Disagree = 1, Slightly Disagree = 2, Neutral = 3, somewhat agree = 4 and strongly agree= 5 ) . The maximal mark in the tool is 45. Interpretation & lt ; 22 Low ego consciousness. 22-33 Normal 34-45 High ego consciousness.3.8.3. Section 3GESTALT THERAPYGestalt therapy was developed in 1940 by Frederick and Laura Perls in the fortiess. Gestalt therapy is a humanistic therapy where the research worker makes the patients to follow Gestalt therapy techniques which enhance the ego consciousness of patients with schizophrenic disorder. It tends to reflect a more experiential or subjective attack in bettering the ego consciousness among patients with schizophrenic disorder.Prerequisites OF GESTALT THERAPYThe undermentioned stairss should be taken by the research worker before disposal of Gestalt therapy. Explain the demand for the therapy to the patient and its utility. Explain the process to the patient. Get informed consent. Make a good resonance with the patient. Provide client a composure and quiet environment with good airing. Arrange 2 chairs to execute gestalt therapy techniques.GESTALT THERAPY TECHNIQUES:EMPTY CHAIR TECHNIQUE – The Chair in which the patient sits is a hot place and the chair is present in forepart of the patient is an empty chair. Patient is asked about his or her likes and disfavors towards his /her household members or relations. Patient imagines that the peculiar individual is sitting in that empty chair. Patient is asked to speak to that individual in forepart of the healer. This will better the emotional bonding and conflict declaration among the household members. Therefore, self consciousness is improved when the patient negotiations in such a fanciful manner to other individual. GUIDED FANTASY – Patient will be asked to conceive of a old event or topographic point already exposed in a systematic mode with the aid of the healer and imaginativeness is performed by the patient in a realistic mode. Devising ROUNDS WITH PATIENT- Patient will speak and mix with all Psychiatric patients in the infirmary premises. This attack will give consciousness towards the environment. REHEARSAL EXERCISE – It involves behavioral dry run where the patient function plays a new behavior that they have learned with a individual or people in their environment. This is done to cut down phase fear and anxiousness that may be felt if they feel they are non executing their new behavior right. This encourages spontaneousness and a willingness to larn and execute a new behavior.3.9. HypothesisH01: There is no important difference in the degree of self consciousness among patients with schizophrenic disorder in experimental and control group before gestalt therapy. H11: There is a important difference in the degree of self consciousness among patients with schizophrenic disorder in experimental group before and after gestalt therapy. H02: There is no important difference in the degree of self consciousness among patients with schizophrenic disorder in control group before and after everyday nursing attention. H12: There is a important difference in degree of self consciousness among patients with schizophrenic disorder in experimental group after gestalt therapy and control group after everyday nursing attention. H13: There is a important difference between the before intercession and after intercession mark in environing factor of self consciousness among patients with schizophrenic disorder. H14: There is a important difference between the before intercession and after intercession mark in public factor of self consciousness among patients with schizophrenic disorder. H15: There is a important difference between the before intercession and after intercession mark in private factor of self consciousness among patients with schizophrenic disorder.3.10. PILOT STUDYBefore the chief survey, pilot survey was conducted to look into the feasibleness, practicableness, dependability, and cogency. The survey was conducted in Krishna Nursing Home, Coimbatore. The eligible samples were recruited for pilot survey and the sample size was 5. The degree of ego consciousness was assessed among patients with schizophrenic disorder before intercession. Gestalt therapy was administered to patients with schizophrenic disorder. Gestalt Therapy was given for continuance of 40 proceedingss to five schizophrenic patients for back-to-back 10 yearss. Post trial was conducted the undermentioned twenty-four hours to measure the ego consciousness of patients with schizophrenic disorder after administrating gestalt therapy. Data analysis was done utilizing descriptive and illati ve statistics. Consequences showed that Gestalt therapy enhanced the degree of ego consciousness. Hence, the survey was operable and executable.3.11. MAIN STUDYThe chief survey was conducted for a period of 30 yearss. During the period of informations aggregation, 16 samples were drawn purposively. The research worker developed resonance with the participants and explained the importance and benefits of the intercession. Followed by this, consent was obtained. Initially, all patients with schizophrenic disorder were administered situational ego consciousness graduated table. The degree of ego consciousness was identified as low. Following this, gestalt therapy was administered to the patients with schizophrenic disorder separately for 40 proceedingss for each session with a sum of 4 Sessionss for each patient as one session per hebdomad. After 30 yearss a station trial was conducted to measure the ego consciousness of the patients with schizophrenic disorder.3.12. TECHNIQUES OF DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATIONAppropriate statistical tool such as descriptive and illative statistics were applied to analyse the information.

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